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Learn more about how you can make a difference to the future of Wakatipu High School.


Let's Talk

If you have any questions or would like to discuss how you can support WHS through the WHS Foundation then please contact us.

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Investing in Wakatipu Youth

The Wakatipu High School Foundation Endowment Fund (the Fund) was established in 2013. Its objectives reflect WHS’s unique position as the only high school in the Queenstown district, providing a high-quality education to all the district’s children.


In this respect, WHS is a proxy for the future of the Queenstown community as it is responsible for molding the next generation of its front-line staff, business leaders, entrepreneurs and tradespeople. Because it is a “whole of community” organisation, it is key to the future prosperity of Queenstown.

The Foundation aims to create, over time, a substantial endowment fund, the distributable income of which will be used for the continued advancement of the school.

Perpetual Funding to Benefit Current & Future Students

The concept of endowment gifts is that they are perpetual –intended by donors to benefit both current and future generations of students. 


Each year, a portion of the endowment is paid out as an annual distribution to support the school’s designated initiatives, while any funds in excess of this is retained in the endowment so it can grow and support future generations. As a result, the endowment can provide the financial foundation for the School, for generations to come.


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Invest in your community

By virtue of being the only high school in the Wakatipu district, the high school is a proxy for and an extension of the Queenstown community.

Any investment in the Endowment is an investment not only in the future of our children, but also the Queenstown community. If our children are receiving the best education in NZ, this further validates the reasons families choose to live in Queenstown.

It also ensures graduates of the School leave armed with the attitude and ability to make a meaningful contribution to Queenstown, or the broader world in which they choose to engage.


The perpetual nature of the gift allows sustained support, and you will have the satisfaction of knowing that your investment in something you care deeply about, will endure.


Support Wakatipu High School now and into the future.

Investing in the Educational Future of Wakatipu Youth


If you are minded to make an Endowment gift, it is suggested in the first instance that you contact one of the Foundation Trustees or Management to discuss options that would best fit your situation and desires.


Generally, it is expected that a gift will take the form of cash, but equally any gift of shares in companies listed on Stock Exchanges, real estate, life insurance policies or personal property will be gratefully received.


Gifts in the form of bequests in a will are also deeply appreciated. This recognizes that some individuals may not have the present ability to make a gift but would like to commit today to a gift that will be received at some point in the future. If a gift is to be bequeathed as part of a will it would be prudent to have solicitors engaged to ensure your intentions are accurately expressed in your will and to advise the Foundation of your bequest.

Give your way

When you make your gift, you may choose to designate a specific purpose for which your funds can be spent or you may gift on an unrestricted basis to provide the school with funding flexibility. You may wish to have your gift publicly recognised in perpetuity, or you may wish to remain anonymous.

 In all these matters, the Foundation seeks to be flexible and work with donors to respect their wishes and reflect their contributions in any way they desire.

Wakatipu High School Foundation
c/- Findex Queenstown
Te Ahi Building, Level 1, 13 Camp Street
Queenstown 9300
Registered Charity Number: CC49702


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© 2025 Wakatipu High School Foundation


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