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Funding 2025

We are raising and funding $540,000 in programmes at WHS in 2025.

The initiatives we fund annually are carefully selected to provide the greatest benefit to WHS and our students. Our funding supports students to reach their potential and supports inclusiveness and wellness.

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Additional Teaching Resource

This year WHS are employing 16 additional teachers beyond what the Ministry of Education provides. This ensures the average class size remains at 21.5 students, enables classes that might not otherwise to run, and provides strategic and leadership release.



Wellbeing is increasingly an issue for NZ teenagers and schools. Funds in this space will be put towards continued use of the Goodspace screening tool to identify students that may require additional support, an increase in the number of student counsellors by 50% plus a part time wellbeing coordinator.


Teacher Aides

Teacher aides support students’ learning, progress and achievement in a variety of ways. With the support of the WHSF, WHS employs 9 teacher aides above government entitlement.

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Teacher Recruitment & Retention

The availability and cost of housing in the region has the potential to become a barrier in the ability to attract and retain teaching staff. In conjunction with Roost Mortgage Broke, funding will be put towards subsiding rent and building a housing portfolio to assist teachers finding and retaining accommodation. 


Head Student Leadership

Each year our valued partner Colliers Otago supports us to send the WHS Head Girl and Boy to attend an Outward Bound course to develop their leadership capablities.

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It’s been a long held dream of Te iti o Tāhuna (our Kapa Hake group) to complete their performance kākahu with traditional piupiu.



With over 20% of students entering WHS below the expected level in reading, writing, and maths, raising literacy and numeracy achievement is a key strategic priority. The Structured Literacy Programme allows WHS to significantly enhance its intervention efforts, providing targeted support to students who need to accelerate their reading and writing skills 


Junior Camps

Junior Camps such as the Year 9 Greenstone Camps and the Year 10 Branches Camp have become iconic for Wakatipu youth as through camps such as these the students learn about themselves, others, personal growth, social development and citizenship.

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Āwhina Support Fund 

The purpose of the Āwhina Fund is to ensure equity of access to Wakatipu High School’s great all-round education. The Āwhina Fund ensures no students are disadvantaged by financial hardship - making a very real difference to financially disadvantaged families.


Peer Support STARS Programme

The STARS programme is a year-long peer mentoring programme that supports, motivates and positively reinforces Year 9 students and develops leadership in senior students.


Dux Scholarship

The recipient of WHS highest academic award, the Dux, is awarded a $5000 scholarship towards their university endeavours.

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Extracurricular Support

This fund allows WHS to acknowledge the contribution of staff and volunteers who support the delivery of our great all-round education by helping provide students with opportunities in sport, arts, culture, leadership, service and the outdoors.


Wakatipu High School Foundation
c/- Findex Queenstown
Te Ahi Building, Level 1, 13 Camp Street
Queenstown 9300
Registered Charity Number: CC49702

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© 2025 Wakatipu High School Foundation

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